One of Jana's many remarkable qualities was her precognition, which sometimes bordered on clairvoyance. It is still a mystery to me where she got her information about things that were yet to happen. It can not have had anything to do with the mind. This is best...
Chapter 5: Replication potential and reluctance to age
This chapter begins with an explanation of the mechanism that ensures adequate viability for healthy cells. The reader is given an explanation of the term "telomere" and its significance for the protection of chromosome ends and learns how the gradual physiological...
Chapter 4: Cell and human dying
It may sound surprising, but not only the birth of a cell through division, but also its death and dying in multicellular organisms follows a perfect and pre-formed plan. Therefore, this type of death is called "programmed" cell death, and its best known and probably...
Chapter 3: Speed of tumor cells and society
In Chapter 3, the book reaches its first climax. It's a chapter dedicated to speed. First, that associated with the division of tumor cells, and then that associated with our lives in modern society. In both cases to the detriment of its ruthless proponents. ...
Chapter 2: Cancer and eleven non-deadly sins
In Chapter 2 you will learn, among other things, what cancer is, how this disease is defined and which features distinguish tumor cells from healthy cells. You will also learn that cancer is a disease that only affects multicellular organisms. The risk of its...
Chapter 1: The healthy multicellular organism
We rarely realize it, but the body of each of us is a wonderful creation of nature. It consists of a complex community of cells that number more than ten thousand times the number of people living on this planet. They have a lot in common: the basic structural...