When we became a couple in love, we were constantly thinking about how we could make each other happy or make a surprise. One Sunday evening, for example, I was waiting for Jana at the train station when she returned from her parents‘ house in Lanskroun. I was wearing an atypical long coat, had a pipe in my mouth and laughed when she could not recognize me. I took her bag and accompanied her to the dormitory in Tvrdeho Street, where she lived in Brno. Via Spilberk, of course. This park is for lovers.
One afternoon she surprised me. A few hours after we had said goodbye, our classmate Danka called me. She sounded pretty scared and told me to come to Jana’s dormitory as soon as possible because she’d had an accident. Terrified, I hurried after her and found her exhausted, with a swollen nose and stuffed with tampons. There were daisies on the table, woven into a small wreath. I found out that Jana wanted to make me happy and pick some daisies. That was unusual, I usually gave her the flowers and not the other way around. But somehow, she wanted to compensate for the story described in the story Fateful Daisies I. She noticed a small meadow in front of the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, which we passed on the way from the tram station to the Institute of Biophysics, where some of our compulsory lectures took place. And the meadow was full of beautiful daisies. So, she went back there, started picking the flowers and after a while her nose began to bleed. For no apparent reason, and profusely. The tissues she had with her were soon completely soaked with blood. She moved to the street drain, so that the blood flowed straight there, and waited for it to stop. There were no cell phones she could have used to call for help. Fortunately, a random passer-by took pity on her and correctly assessed that it was not an ordinary, temporary nosebleed, as happens to all of us from time to time, but something more serious. He took care of her and accompanied her to the hospital. They helped her there by mechanically plugging her nose with tampons and resolving the problem. Jana then told me that she had experienced a similar case once before. That time, it was the result of hitting a ball while playing volleyball when help was on hand. This time it was a little more difficult. Fortunately, everything went well and the problem did not recur later. To this day, I am grateful to an unknown passer-by for his help. And we were more careful with the daisies.